Of being lazy
What’s lazy evaluation about ?
Some functional programming languages (like Haskell) offers a functionality called lazy evaluation by default. It consists of defering evaluation of functions to the moment their results are actually used.
Instead of results, everything works as if your
function call are returning the recipe to compute the actual result. In python, it is actually pretty straightforward to hack __getattr__
and __setattr__
to implement an hackish lazy evaluation as a decorator.
class LazyObject(object):
__slots__ = [ "_recipe", "_result", "_evaluated" ]
def __init__(self, recipe):
object.__setattr__(self, "_recipe", recipe)
object.__setattr__(self, "_result", None)
object.__setattr__(self, "_evaluated", False)
def _eval(self,):
if not self._evaluated:
object.__setattr__(self, "_result", self._recipe())
object.__setattr__(self, "_evaluated", True)
return self._result
def __getattr__(self, name, *args, **kargs):
return getattr(self._eval(), name, *args, **kargs)
def __setattr__(self, name, *args, **kargs):
return setattr(self._eval(), name, *args, **kargs)
def __getitem__(self, key, *args, **kargs):
return self._eval().__getitem__(key, *args, **kargs)
def __len__(self,):
return len(self._eval())
def __add__(self,*args,**kargs):
return self._eval().__add__(*args,**kargs)
def __repr__(self,):
return repr(self._eval())
# ... __mult__, __slice__ and so on ...
# the lazy evaluation decorator !
def lazy(f):
def aux(*args, **kargs):
def recipe():
return f(*args,**kargs)
return LazyObject(recipe)
return aux
Let’s now check out that the evaluation is done at the last moment with a couple of “print statement”.
def returns_two():
print "evaluation for good"
return 2
result = returns_two()
print "lazy evaluation"
print result + 1
This should result in the following output
lazy evaluation
evaluation for good
3 # 2+1
As expected, the call to returns_two
does not
actually call our implementation returns_two
, but instead creates an object LazyObject
embedding this “recipe”.
Eventually, when we try to add it with 1,
python will call our object’s own implementation of
which triggers the call to returns_two
The result is cached and latter use of the object will
not require further calls to returns_two
A simple example : The k-smallest elements
I can enjoy a free lunch like anyone else… However I used to see this functionality as just another of these functional programmer toy.
I could see how some applications could see their performance increase with lazy optimization “by default”, yet I had the feeling that optimizing such application was a no-brainer anyway.
I was wrong on two points. First explicitely deferring evaluation can have a bad impact on readability. The second point is somewhat a little trickier, and that’s the whole point of my post. Lazy Evaluation can result in a non-trivial impact on performances. It can actually change a program’s very complexity.
I was a little skeptical as I read that point on some OCaml-related newsletter. He took the example of trying to pick the k-greatest numbers of a list of n-elements.
The classical answer to this problem
Let’s detail the textbook-way to address this problem. The idea is to put the k-first elements into a binary heap, (that’s a complexity of k log k
to build the heap), go through through the remaining elements, append each of them to the heap, and iteratively pick up the greatest element so that the heap remains of size k (hence a complexity of n log k
When the last element is reached, the heap will contain the k-lowest elements. and then we need to pick up elements from the heap (a cost of k log k
). Overall the complexity of such an operation is therefore n log k
. More importantly, the memory complexity is linear with k.
An implementation of this algorithm is available heapq.nsmallest
We also consider the simpler solution, yet assumingly less performant algorithm which consists of building a complete heap and then pop an element one after the other. The nature of heap sort should help us defer part of the comparisons.
def heapsort(l):
heap = []
for x in l[:]:
heappush(heap, x)
while heap:
yield heappop(heap)
Lazy Implementation
Now let’s assume you skipped algorithm class, and can only remember about the good old merge sort. Let’s take a look at a simple implementation.
def zip_merge(left,right):
if not left or not right:
return left + right
elif left[0] <= right[0]:
return [left[0]] + zip_merge(left[1:], right)
return zip_merge(right,left)
def merge_sort(l):
# Assuming l is a list, returns
# a sorted version of l.
L = len(l)
if L <= 1:
return l
m = L/2
left = merge_sort(l[0:m])
right = merge_sort(l[m:])
return zip_merge(left, right)
Ok, so let’s take a look at the code.
Merge sort adopts a “divide and conquer” strategy.
We split the list in two parts, sort recursively both of them
and merge them back. Merging two sorted list can
be done in linear time by peeking at the head of
both list and picking the lowest of the two values.
This algorithm is sometimes called zip_merge
In order to take advantage of lazy evaluation,
we cannot candidly apply our lazy
because the concatenation of the zip_merge
algorithm will
require the whole evaluation of both list. To get the drop
in complexity I promised we need to get close to ML’s
definition of a list.
In ML a list are defined recursively as follows, a list can be either :
- the empty list
, in python this will translate as the empty tuple () head::tail
is the name of first element of the list, andtail
is list of the other elements. In python this will translate as the tuple (head,).
For instance if our algorithm is to output range(5)
its output, it will actually return a lazy version of
(0, (1, 2, (3, (4, ()))))
Now let’s adapt our algorithm to this new representation!
def zip_merge(left,right):
if left == ():
return right # right is never empty.
(left_head, left_tail) = left
(right_head, right_tail) = right
if left_head <= right_head:
return (left_head, zip_merge(left_tail, right))
return zip_merge(right,left)
def merge_sort(l):
# Assuming l is a list, returns a sorted
# version of l in the format (t,q)
L = len(l)
if L==0:
return ()
elif len(l)==1:
return (l[0], ())
m = L/2
left = merge_sort(l[0:m])
right = merge_sort(l[m:])
return zip_merge(left, right)
Note that we added our decorator to the zip_merge function.
Now with generators
Now let’s go back at our first implementation of merge sort, and let’s try to implement lazyness in a pythonic way this time.
Impermeable to irony, we rely on heapq.merge which
basically will do the same job as zip_merge
but with iterators.
from heapq import merge as zip_merge
def merge_sort(l):
# Assuming l is a list, returns an
# iterator on a sorted version of
# the list.
L = len(l)
if L <= 1:
return iter(l)
m = L/2
left = merge_sort(l[0:m])
right = merge_sort(l[m:])
return zip_merge(left, right)
Not much as changed right? It’s not even longer. But here comes the awesomeness.
This generator returned here acts pretty much like lazy evaluation. As long as we don’t consume the elements of the sorted generator, the computation is not done. Moreover, the elements will get sorted as we consume the list.
Number of comparisons required
Here we only focus on the number of comparison involved. For various reasons studying runtime would probably tell a whole different story. For the sake of readibility, the implementation above also performs a useless copy of list slices. A runtime focused algorithm would get intervals as arguments.
The graph below shows the number of comparisons required to peek at the the k-lowest elements of a randomly sorted list of 100 elements for the following 4 algorithms.
- complete merge sort
- lazy merge sort
- complete heap sort
- heapq.nsmallest
The x-axis is the number of elements we requested at, and the y-axis is the cumulative number of comparisons required.
Notice that the number of comparison required to perform a full sort
is 535
which is very close to the which is very close to the theoretical minimum of 525
The real surprise here is the bad results of heaqp.nsmallest performs. It starts on par with the lazy algorithm and then gets even more expensive than a complete heap sort. At this point, I don’t exactly understand why it does so. Keep in mind however that another benefit of this algorithm is to be linear with k in memory usage, while this is not true for the other algorithm.
Thanks to NewCarSmell from reddit for point out a flaw in my first implementation of LazyObject.